Church Bulletin Nov. 29, 2020


Church Bulletin Nov. 29, 2020

Please continue to pray for our entire congregation, especially our senior saints as we go through the pandemic.

If you desire to watch the Sunday Devotional Sermon, please go to our Vintage Park Church of Christ Facebook Live at 10:00am. This week’s sermon will be from I Thessalonians Chapter 4:11-18.

Thursday evening Bible Class is a study on Romans with video content by Bro. Richard Rogers. If you need a free electronic study guide, contact Bro. Teddington. Please send an email to to request the online class password.

Remember, you can give your contribution online through our Church Center App or at our website using your debit card, credit card or bank account.


Sunday Service

Brothers will facilitate in-home service for their immediate family until further notice due to the pandemic.

Weekly Classes

Thursday Bible Class @ 7:00pm on our Vintage Park Church of Christ Facebook Live or on our Conference Call at 319-527-3132 using Code: 072020

