“What I fear most overtakes me. What I dread happens to me” (Job 3:25)
Job declared, what he feared most had happened to him. I don’t know if you have an experience in your life where you could say, yes what I feared most happened to me? Whether its parents being divorced, you are going through a divorce, a child or sibling becoming terminally ill, or you are diagnosed with a terminal illness. But if you can connect with Job’s language and I’m sure some can, and at some point in our lives, we will all connect with it if you live long enough. You too will say, “what I feared most has happened to me.”
In this spear of life, our worst fears may be realized. Anxious people are not exempted from trouble. The fallen world we presently live in does contain a multitude of evils. The misfortunes of life are not confined to the imagination of the hopeless. They are seen in plain straightforward facts.
The fear of death will not save anyone from death, nor will the fear of hell save from hell. A person may have very dark views of his impending fate, and, if he deserves it, he may find that it is quite equal to his fears. Nothing can be more disastrous than the notion that the expectation of future punishment is only the dream of a scared conscience. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” is a great fundamental law of nature.
There is a correct way to dismiss our fears without touching the facts which justify them is the height of recklessness living. The facts remain no matter how much we may be self-deceived into disregarding them. Salvation is not to be got by means of any manipulation of the sinner’s fears. Sin is the fundamental cause of all ruin and the justification of men’s worst fears. The one necessity is to remove the sin by obeying the good news (the gospel of Jesus) for the remission of sins and the salvation of your soul; then the fears will vanish of their own accord.
Devotional Application
Friend, if believers will learn to diligently confess their sins, and to despise their beliefs and behaviors that are counterintuitive to the righteousness of God on account of those sins, then indeed the gospel of Christ assures perfect redemption for all who turn to Him in faith. When this is one’s experience his/her fear may be removed. Trouble, indeed, may and will come. But it is useless to anticipate it. It is better to take our Lord’s advice, and “be not anxious for the morrow” (Matthew 6:25 ff.).
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